📄️ Python Magic
python-magic is a Python interface to the libmagic file type identification library. libmagic identifies file types by checking their headers according to a predefined list of file types. This functionality is exposed to the command line by the Unix command file.
📄️ Pure Magic
puremagic is a pure python module that will identify a file based off it's magic numbers.It is designed to be minimalistic and inherently cross platform compatible. It is also designed to be a stand in for python-magic, it incorporates the functions fromfile(filename[, mime]) and fromstring(string[, mime]) however the magicfile() and magicstring() are more powerful and will also display confidence and duplicate matches.
📄️ MimeTypes
The good news is that we also support the native Python library, mimetypes MimeTypes, and you can add it to your project as follows:
📄️ FileType
filetype a Python package to infer file type and MIME type checking the magic numbers signature of a file or buffer. we also support the filetype library, and you can import it to your project as follows:
📄️ file validator by type
this file validator for validation of the overall type of files
📄️ Safe Mode 🔒
By using Safe Mode, you can perform validation operations using all libraries at the same time To use, first import as in the example below: