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Version: 1.X.X

Validated File Field

Using ValidatedFilefield can you say which type of files are allowed

Before we go to the Validatedfilefield tutorial, let's first get acquainted with ValidatedFilefield parameters


acceptstrThe accept attribute takes as its value a comma-separated list of one or more file types, or unique file type specifiers, describing which file types to allow. See this guide for more familiarity
custom_css_classstrA custom class to customize input
multiplebooleanIf you want to upload multiple files, set up to True

How Use ValidatedFilefield?

To use ValidatedFilefield you must act as follows:

1.First, import the ValidatedFilefield to your Django forms as follows:

from django import forms
from file_validator.forms import ValidatedFileField
  1. In the next step we have to give it to our form as follows:
from django import forms
from file_validator.forms import ValidatedFileField

class TestForm(forms.Form):
test_file = ValidatedFileField(
accept='image/*', # => accept attribute
custom_css_class='your-custom-css-class', # => custom css class
multiple=True # => for upload Multiple Files