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Version: 1.X.X

Validated File Field

Using ValidatedFilefield you can perform file validation operations at the model level.

Before we go to the Validatedfilefield tutorial, let's first get acquainted with ValidatedFilefield parameters


librarieslist optionalThe value of libraries should be a list of libraries with which you want to perform the validation operation.
Example : libraries=["filetype","python_magic", "filetype"]
defaults If you do not select any library, it will perform the validation operation with django by default, Supported libraries for validation operations: python_magic, pure_magic, filetype, mimetypes, all, default
If you use all, validation operations will be performed with all libraries and if you use default, validation operations will only be done with Django
acceptable_mimeslistThe mimes you want the file to be checked based on.
example: acceptable_mimes=['audio/mpeg', 'video/mp4']
acceptable_typeslistThe types you want the file to be checked based on.
example: acceptable_types=['audio', 'video']
max_upload_file_sizeint optionalIf you want the file size to be checked, the file size must be in bytes,
example: max_upload_file_size=1048576 (1MB)
defaults to None


If the mime list is empty, raised a value error
If the library you entered is not supported, raised a value error,
Supported library: filetype, mimetypes, pure_magic, python_magic, all, default
if file not valid raises ValidationError
At least one of the parameters of acceptable_mimes or acceptable_types must be filled else EmptyParametersException error occurs
If the type you enter in acceptable_types is not supported by the file-validator library, it will cause TypeNotSupportedException error, supported types are audio, video, image, font and archive

Size conversion table


To choose the size you want the files to be validated based on, you can take help from the table below or enter your desired size in bytes:

1 MB1048576 B - 10242 B - 220 B
2.5 MB2621440 B
5 MB5242880 B
10 MB10485760 B
20 MB20971520 B
50 MB52428800 B
100 MB104857600 B
250 MB262144000 B
500 MB524288000 B
1 GB1073741824 B
2 GB2147483648 B

How Use ValidatedFilefield?

To use ValidatedFilefield you must act as follows:

1.First, import the ValidatedFilefield to your Django model as follows:

from django.db import models
from file_validator.models import ValidatedFileField
  1. In the next step we have to give it to our model as follows:
from django.db import models
from file_validator.models import ValidatedFileField

class TestFileModel(models.Model):
test_file = ValidatedFileField(
libraries=["all"], # => validation operations will be performed with all libraries
acceptable_mimes=['audio/mpeg', 'video/mp4'], # => The mimes you want the file to be checked based on.
acceptable_types=['audio', 'video'], # => The types you want the file to be checked based on.
max_upload_file_size=10485760 # => 10 MB
  1. Finally run with the following commands:
python makemigrations
python migrate

Done ✅

From now on, get the files safely from users.